September 5, 2018
The schedule for attending the University of Oklahoma's Engineering Experience has been announced. Students in designated advisory classes will attend the event held on the OU ...
August 23, 2018
Tecumseh Middle School students and teachers are collecting Firelake grocery receipts to be redeemed with the store for gift cards. The gift cards can be used to purchase classro...

August 23, 2018
Helping our schools is as easy as buying your groceries and saving the box tops as the nationally recognized program Box Tops for Education celebrates The Power of Box Tops Septem...

August 23, 2018
TMS Librarian Kelli Brown says dates for the TMS Book Fair to be held in the middle school library will be August 27-September 7. As an added convenience this year, students will ...
August 21, 2018
Students needing extra help with math concepts and homework will have four opportunities each week for one-on-one assistance from teachers in the TMS math department. Sessions wi...
July 27, 2018
Sarah Flowers will greet students returning to school this year with a new title. She has moved from the assistant principal to principal position effective with the new school ye...